Stradivarius are string instruments built by the Italian family of luthiers of Antonio Stradivari.

Stradivarius instruments are very well valued by the most important musicians and also by prestigious antiquity collectors. The resounding features of these high-up instruments are considered unique.

There are several theories that try to explain the reason why the quality of the sound of these majestic artworks
In 2009 the results of a research, made with small pieces taken from an Stradivarius which was being repared, were publishedin the magazine Public Library of Science. One of the researchers found evidence that in Italy, during the period of construction of these instruments, a plague of insects attacked the trees that were used to made the instruments. 
The maker of the Stradivarius used bórax ( a mineral compound which nowadays is used to make soaps, cosmetics, insecticide and to slow down fires) to protect the instruments from the insects. Antonio Stradivari didn't know that it was going to be good for the resounding features of the instruments.

There are around 500 instruments of the 1000 violins which Stradivari made. Due to its shortage, quality and beauty some of these instruments have been bought for more than 15 million of euros. Nowadays there are few which belong to private collections.

In this video we can see the 5 Stradivarius violins 

which belong to Spain.


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